Exploring CFOM and The Well Writer

You may or may not be aware of the awesome Online Christian Fiction Magazine.

Bonnie S. Calhounis the Founder and Publisher of Christian Fiction Online Magazine . She is also the Owner and Director of the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance which is the parent organization for the magazine. She has a special feature of the month on the lastest people and approaches to Christian fiction. This month you can read about The Pros and Cons of Self-publishing with Susette Williams here.

In addition to her passion for spreading the word about Christian fiction, Bonnie is also an author of snarky suspense. Her novel Cooking The Books (A Sloane Templeton Mystery) releases from Abingdon Press in April 2012, and her WWII historical Pieces of the Heart, in the Abingdon Press Quilts of Love series will be available in June 2013.

For more than a year now I have been honored to contribute, and organize other writers, to write for the column titled, The Well Writer. I believe it’s really important for us to take care of ourselves. The link to the latest issue of The Well Writer titled Language of the Heart can be found here. I’m always excited when the new copy of CFOM shows up in my sidebar. You can get a widget for it and keep in on your blog too. And you can explore the archives too on the first page here.

There is so much packed in this online magazine that you don’t want to miss it.

I need your help though. I rarely have difficulty coming up with ideas to write about regarding this topic of wellness.  I’d like to hear from you though. What kind of topics would you like to see The Well Writer team discuss? Anything special?

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